Sheikh Imran Hosein exclusive interview: “Saudi Arabia and Turkey are part of the Zionist alliance” (V)
Authors: Mohamed El-Ghazi, M. Aït Amara
In your lectures, you focus on predictions contained in the Qur’an in many aspects of life on Earth. Could you give us some examples?
I have used the methodology which was taught by Allah soubhanahou taala at the beginning of the Quran.
Authors: Mohamed El-Ghazi, M. Aït Amara
In your lectures, you focus on predictions contained in the Qur’an in many aspects of life on Earth. Could you give us some examples?
I have used the methodology which was taught by Allah soubhanahou taala at the beginning of the Quran.
Allah Most High is not deficient in the use of language, and so when Allah said “fasajadou illa ibliss” – just three words – the implication is that the sentence was deliberately constructed like this. If we take this “aya” by itself, in isolation, if we use this lazy and defective methodology, we cannot escape the conclusion that “Ibliss” was an angel. So the sentence is constructed in the Qur’an in this way to teach a lesson in “osoul al tafsir”. When you use the proper methodology of collecting all the relevant data from the totality of Quran and then organizing that data as a harmonious whole, only then do we realize that the angels do not have any free will. Angels cannot say no when they receive an order. So if you ask something of your wife and she refuses, the implication would be that she is not an angel. “Wayafalouna ma you’amaroun”. If Allah gives a command to the angels and one did not obey, he could not have been an angel. When we go to surat “Al kahf” we find: (wa kana min al-Jinn). A profound lesson in methodology has been taught in this very simple verse of the Quran, that you must take the Quran as a whole, take all the data that you have in a particular subject and bind it together to get a harmonious (whole). “Law kana mi indi ghayri allah lawajadou fihi ikhtilafan kathira”.
We must remember that the Quran is consistent with itself. There is no inconsistency in the Qur’an. Since there is no inconsistency within the Qur’an – and since the Prophet (sallalahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) was sent to teach the Qur’an – it follows that there can be no inconsistency between the Qur’an and any Hadith. So our methodology is to take the totality of the data from the Quran and then support it by hadith that are in harmony with the Qur’an. We can then reject such Hadith as are in conflict with the Qur’an.
Using this methodology, I was blessed to understand the implication of the verse of the Qur’an in Surat Younous which informed us that when Feraoun was under the water drowning, Allah removed the veils from his eyes and he then recognized that he was not god. Before this he had declared: “ana raboukoum al a’ala”. But now, under the water, he declared his faith in the One God of banou Israel, to which Allah soubhanahou ta’ala responded with these words: “al ana waqad assayta qabl wa kounta min al moufsidin fal yaouma nounajika bibadanik litakouna liman khalfaka aya wa inna kathiran min annassi a’n ayatina laghafiloun”. His body was preserved by Divine writ and was rediscovered in 1897. We ask two questions: What is the “aya”? “litakouna liman khalfaka aya”. And who are those who would come after? “liman khalfaka”.
In the confrontation between truth and false, between Feraoun and Moussa alayhi salam, one side was powerful, arrogant, armed to the teeth with state-of-the-art weapons, etc., while the other side had no weapons, were small in number, but had the truth. This confrontation culminated with a divine intervention in which the waters of the Red Sea parted, and that divine intervention led to victory for truth. The “aya” is that in akhirou azzaman, the body of Feraoun will be discovered, and the world will then witness the re-enactment of that epic encounter between the truth and falsehood. That’s what we are seeing now, and hence there will be a divine intervention in this encounter as there was in that one. This divine intervention would witness the return of nabi Issa alayhi essalama. And when he returns the world will witness the final and conclusive victory of Truth over lies and falsehood, and justice over oppression. Who are the people “li man khalfaka”? Answer: the Zionists. In the same way that Feraoun died and he had to declare his faith in the truth before he died, but there was no help for him, similarly, the Zionists will have to accept Islam when nabi Issa Alayhi Salam returns – but it will be of no benefit for them. I told them that in New York. I went to into a Jewish synagogue and I lectured before two hundred Jews and I told them this. They surrounded me after the lecture demanding “why should we be forced to accept that which we have rejected? My answer to them was that Allah will remove the veils from your eyes. So this verse of the Quran has a pivotal importance for understanding politics, for understanding the economy, for understanding the monetary system. “al ana waqad assayta qabl wa kounta min al moufsidin fal yaouma nounajika bibadanik litakouna liman khalfaka aya wa inna kathiran min annassi a’n ayatina laghafiloun”. The body of Feraoun has been discovered in 1897. The Zionist Movement was created in that same year. In 1907 Britain and France put the chess board in place, they put the pieces in place, when they made an alliance with Russia that sealed the fate of their ally – the Ottoman Empire. The First World War commenced in 1914. The Balfour Declaration was made in 1917. In that same year Jerusalem fell to British crusaders. From 1918 to 1948 Britain remained the mandate power in the Holy Land. Britain ceded power to the newly-created Zionist State of Israel in 1948. So from the time the body of Feraoun was discovered, everything is falling into place. Where are we now in the countdown to the return of Nabi ‘Isa (‘alaihi al-Salaam)?
This is the countdown of “akhirou azzaman”. But Islamic scholarship is asleep to this subject.
I will give you an example of an aya of the Quran that is directly related to Akhir al-Zaman: surat al ma’ida “ya ayouha alladhina amanou la tatakhidhou al yahouda wannassara awliya’a”. Has the Qur’an prohibited friendship and alliance with all Jews and all Christians? That is impossible. Why? “walatajidanna aqrabahoum mawaddaten lilladhin amanou walladhin qalou inna nassara”. So the prohibition could not apply to all Jews and all Christians. Well then, with which Christians and which Jews is friendship and alliance prohibited for Muslims? The answer is right there in the words which follow in the verse: “baadhouhoum awliya’ou baadh”.
The Quran has thus anticipated the emergence of a Jewish-Christian alliance. When the world witnesses reconciliation, friendship and alliance between Christians and Jews, it is with those Christians and those Jews that Muslims are prohibited from maintaining friendly ties and entering into an alliance.
That Jewish-Christian alliance has already appeared in the world. It is the European Judeo-Christian Zionist alliance. The Ottoman Empire consistently maintained friendly ties with them, and were often their allies, and the Saudi-Wahhabi State and the Republic of Turkey which replaced the Ottomans have done the same. If you turn to them for friendship and alliance – and I don’t expect that from Algeria -, you belong to them and not to us. That’s what they did in Libya with NATO. So I say to them “I don’t want to see your faces! I don’t want to hear your voices! You are not my brothers. You belong to them now. You don’t belong to us unless you make tawba”.
Here is another verse of the Quran that explains the world today. Suratou al anbiya’a, two ayats: “wa haramoun ala qaryatin ahlaknaha annahoum la yalji’oûn (that is “ahlou al qarya”) hatta idha foutihat yadjoudj wa madjoudj wa houm min koulli hadabin yanziloun”. Which “qarya”? It’s easy for you to say Jerusalem because events, so many events have (unfolded), that it becomes easy to recognize that the “qarya” is Jerusalem. And those who bring banou Israel back to the holy land, to reclaim it as their own are yadjoudj and madjoudj.
The Jews are back in the holy land today and a State of Israel has been restored in the holy land. Israel is about to replace USA as the next ruling state in the world. In the same way that Pax Americana replaced Pax Britannica, so too the Zionists plan is for “Pax Judaica” to replace Pax Americana. I explained it in my book “Jerusalem in the Quran” 10 or 12 years ago. Scholars of Islam are not using this verse of Quran. They refuse to accept that the “Qarya” is Jerusalem. There are several other verses in the Quran which are related to “’Akhir al-Zaman” and they help us to understand the world today. It is time enough for Islamic scholarship to turn to the Qur’an in order to understand the world today.
(To be followed)